Is Playing the Lottery a Sin? What Does the Bible Say About Lotto Gambling?

Catholic Online - Is Playing the Lottery a Sin? What Does the Bible Say About Lotto Gambling?

Hi friends. Now, I discovered Catholic Online - Is Playing the Lottery a Sin? What Does the Bible Say About Lotto Gambling?. Which could be very helpful for me so you. Is Playing the Lottery a Sin? What Does the Bible Say About Lotto Gambling?

If you are reading this article, you probably want to be a good Catholic and avoid sins. You have also probably played the lottery as well and want to know if the Bible considers lotto gambling a sin. The Bible does not specifically mention the lottery or gambling as neither were nearby when it was written. However, it does mention that we should keep away from the love of money and greed.

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Do you play the lottery because you dream about becoming rich beyond your wildest dreams? That might be carefully greedy and playing the lottery, in this case, would probably be a form of sinning.

But what if you play the lottery because you want money to be able to help people. Possibly you want to win the jackpot so that you could give money to your church, or to donate to charities, or to help people that are in need. That would mean that you are not even reasoning about yourself. I doubt that would be carefully a sin.

What if you want to have a lot of money for yourself, but you also want to donate a big division of it to charities? What would the Bible think this situation to be? The Bible is open to interpretation and every situation is different. Possibly it's a inquire that only you can answer.

Of course, there are no right or wrong answers to any of the above scenarios. Everybody's interpretations of what the Bible says about lotto gambling is different.

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