Tomb of the Blessed Virgin Mary, mom of Jesus--Historical Fact & Doctrinal Enigma!

Catholic Online - Tomb of the Blessed Virgin Mary, mom of Jesus--Historical Fact & Doctrinal Enigma!

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The tomb of the "mother of Jesus" historically referred to as "The Blessed Mary," though a historical fact and doctrinal enigma for any denominational churches, offers great news for Bible researchers because her death, and first burial place confirm prophetic messages coded and embedded in the Torah.

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Some believe and teach that the empty tomb of the Blessed Mary, mum of Jeshua (now venerated in the Valley of Cedron near Jerusalem) is evidence of her miraculous exit from earth. So in the year 2000, I arranged a hidden tour to see the sepulcher first hand. I was shown a place where archeologists believe that Mary mum of Jesus was buried in Jerusalem (first instance) within 50 meters from the Pool of Shilom . It was important for me to go there personally, since some early Christian writers posited that Mary died and was buried at Ephesus, and others teach that she was the first fruit of the "rapture" and not Enoch or Ezekiel, as the Torah reported.

According to the New arrival Catholic website and I quote directly from the 'Acts of St. John by Prochurus', written (160-170) by Lencius, "The evangelist went to Ephesus accompanied by Prochurus alone and at a very developed age, i.e. After Mary's death."

In the book referenced below, I showed how easy it is to retrieve prophetic images of competitive religious maters, level out of the Torah texts. Since, for the most part, the Torah prophecies bear contemplate to "New Testament" events, should one desire clarity on any doctrinal sticking point, "The Golden Fleece Found" reveals codes and correlating prophecies as keys to higher levels of wisdom and understanding. agreeing to the prophetic images in the Torah, the human vehicle chosen to bear the Seed from which Gentiles would participate in Abraham's compact fruits, that seed-carrier, Mary, would be buried in Jerusalem and her body would be moved at last to an ossuary in a Gentile nation. Refer to

Testimony in favor of Jerusalem: Apocryphal works of the second to the fourth century (designated as communal domain on New arrival Catholic website) seem to sustain the Jerusalem location. "The two letters "B. Inatii missa S. Joanni", written about 370, show that the Blessed Virgin passed the remainder of her days at Jerusalem. That of Dionysius the Areopagite to the Bishop Titus (363), the "Joannis liber de Dormitione Mariae" (third to fourth century), and the treatise "De transitu B.M. Virginis" (fourth century) place her tomb at Gethsemane.

Why then are religious folks angry with me for stating genuinely that the historic record of Mary's death, burial and eventual resting place in a Gentile nation affirm what was prophetically etched thousands of years ago. Mary died and was not only buried in Jerusalem, but Knights Templars later moved her body to avoid desecration by a lewd occult organization.

I was tempted to enclose a photo of her new resting place but chose not to do so. However, in the discourse referenced above, I did show that even the move was agreeing to prophecy. Although old writers did the explicate explore about the Templars' movements of bodies out of Jerusalem to avoid desecration, their inability to translate archaic Latin texts caused them to miss the most important clue as to who is buried in a definite guarded ossuary.

Did early researchers believe that Mary's empty tomb was the consequent of a type of resurrection? The prophecies do not sustain such. History does not sustain such.
However the concealed meanings of words give us important keys. By calling her move "The Assumption" we have neither scientific, spiritual, nor prophetic grounds to hang our doctrinal hats on. The explore and maps contained in the two books listed below will provide iron-clad evidence to sustain the claims in this article. Both volumes can be viewed online through Amazon's hunt Inside Book programmes.

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